Posts tagged with java
Dropwizard with Immutables
Oct 11, 2020In this post, I’m using Dropwizard together with the Immutables library and sharing some thoughts on OOP.
Troubleshooting java.lang.VerifyError
Feb 29, 2020Yesterday I got an exception I hadn’t seen before, java.lang.VerifyError.
SDKMAN! on Windows
Dec 7, 2019SDKMAN! manages multiple versions of Java related SDKs. In its homepage, it says it runs on any UNIX based platform, but I gave it a try on Windows and it works quite fine there too.
Testing null, empty, blank
Sep 14, 2019In many cases, when you have a method that accepts a mandatory string parameter, you want to verify that the parameter contains a value that isn’t
, nor empty, not blank (i.e. consisting solely of whitespace characters). While writing the check is easy, testing it can be a bit annoying. -
Optional files in Maven archetypes
Sep 7, 2019This post shows how to create a Maven archetype that can conditionally include or exclude files while generating a project.
A CLI comparison of Java, JavaScript and Python
Mar 16, 2019The inspiration for this post is the Python, Ruby, and Golang: A Command-Line Application Comparison published on Real Python.
clang-format as a git filter
Jan 27, 2019clang-format is a tool that can format source code of C-like languages (C / C++ / Java / JavaScript / Objective-C / Protobuf). It supports various presets but it is also possible to fine tune its behavior with a configuration file named
. It has quite a lot configuration options. -
YAML schema validation with Maven
Nov 28, 2018Sometimes it feels we’re reinventing the wheel, but with different names. Back in the days, XML was the cool thing. We had XPath as a query language. We had XSLT to transform XML documents into different shapes. We had XSD to validate the schema of XML. We had code generation and validation. We could generate web service clients and servers with WSDL.
Upgrading Dependencies
Nov 4, 2018This page shows how to upgrade dependencies in various programming languages and dependency management systems.
Troubleshooting SSL - missing /root/.postgresql/root.crt
Nov 2, 2018I run into a problem today trying to connect to an Azure PostgreSQL database. The database enforces SSL connections (“SSL enforce status” = “ENABLED”).
Merging Swagger files
Oct 28, 2018Consider the following scenario. You have a few microservices and they’re all developed independently: they don’t share code, they don’t share data and they don’t share schema. They’re all exposing their own REST API. To make things a bit simple, their API is defined in a swagger file.
Code coverage on integration tests?
Aug 11, 2018Should you collect and measure code coverage on integration tests or only unit tests? In this post I’ll share some thoughts on this topic.
Using Spring Boot Actuators
Jul 7, 2018Implementing Spring Boot actuators is not very difficult. In this post I’ll show what you can get for free, without adding any code.
Swagger and MapStruct
Apr 29, 2018I’ve been working lately on a project with a few services (or microservices, if you like to play buzzword bingo). I wanted to share some thoughts on how using Swagger together with MapStruct can make things easier.
AssertJ cheatsheet
Apr 22, 2018AssertJ is a an assertions library for unit tests in Java that is well worth considering. Here are some examples.
Using swagger code generator with maven
Apr 21, 2018Following up the previous post about swagger, in this post I’m using the maven plugin version of swagger code generator.
Generate PNG barcode
Apr 21, 2018How to generate PNG barcodes in Java using the zxing library:
Copy InputStream to OutputStream
Apr 21, 2018To copy from a stream into a file:
Exclude class from JaCoCo coverage
Apr 21, 2018JaCoCo’s
configuration works with classes, so the.class
extension is important when specifying the path. -
Building a REST API with Swagger and Spring Boot
Apr 15, 2018In this post, I’ll be using Swagger to build a REST API with Java and Spring Boot. Swagger is an API framework. It uses a YAML-based language to define an API and it has a code generator that supports multiple languages.
Validate filename conventions with Maven Enforcer plugin
Apr 17, 2017In this post I’m using the Maven Enforcer plugin to break the build when certain files don’t follow the expected naming convention. It’s always a good idea to take the time and implement these checks inside the build pipeline. The alternative is hoping that code reviewers will spot the problems, which is a manual, tedious and error prone approach. Automate all the things!
Debugging Docker with IntelliJ IDEA
Mar 26, 2017In this post we’ll create a small Java application, run it inside a Docker container, and use IntelliJ IDEA to debug. This is a rather large post, so take your time.
Linting with Checkstyle
Mar 12, 2017Code is going to be written once but read many times. A consistent coding style across the entire code base is important to increase readability and maintainability. Luckily, there are tools that can help to define and enforce such styling rules. From mere cosmetics up to nasty code smells, static code analysis can help increase the quality of your code. I wrote some posts on static code analysis in JavaScript a bit more than a year ago (which in the JavaScript world means the tools are now different, ESLint instead of JSCS/JSHint). In this post we’ll see the Checkstyle tool in the Java world, how to use it with TeamCity and IntelliJ and finally a few words about SonarQube.
Code Coverage with JaCoCo
Mar 12, 2017Code Coverage is a useful set of metrics that show you how much of your code you’re impacting during testing. It doesn’t say much about the quality of your tests (you can read more in the old post What is code coverage?), but a 30% coverage is definitely worse than 90%. Let’s see how we can use JaCoCo to see our code coverage in the Java world. We’ll check a few options to use it, such as using it manually, using it within a CI, breaking the build with it, etc. The assumption is we’re working with a Maven project.
A quickstart Maven archetype for Java 8
Feb 25, 2017As a Maven rookie, I often use the quickstart archetype from Maven when I want to create a new Maven project. Unfortunately, that archetype is a bit outdated, which means I have to tweak some details before I can actually use it. I guess I got a bit tired of this and I thought I could create my own archetype that is ready to use.
How to create a simple web app with maven
Sep 18, 2016This post shows how to create a simple web application with maven.
Maven Tips
Jun 14, 2015I started using Maven at work recently. Being a newbie, I find myself googling constantly (even though the answer is always on StackOverflow) about basic things. For reference, these are my most needed actions so far:
Log of today
Oct 16, 2013So, this is a small summary of some things I did today (after all blog stands for web log):
Nested classes: Java vs C#
Oct 8, 2013So I have started reading up on Java. Getting reacquainted with that old friend. Playing with swing components on the UI editor of NetBeans. Reliving the horror of having to declare every exception your method might throw. The ugliness of the XML DOM API. object.setNumber(object.getNumber() + 1) and so on and so on.
Learn Java again
Sep 24, 2013I’ve been doing .NET for a long time. I started working on it exactly when .NET 2 was out, so I was lucky to avoid .NET 1 (almost) completely. I love .NET and C#. I think it’s not a coincidence that the main person behind it is the same person who was behind my favorite products when I was a teenage coder: Turbo Pascal, Object Pascal and Delphi. There is some sort of inexpressible similarity, I think, that reflects the designer’s choices in the framework and the language.