Posts tagged with swagger

  • YAML schema validation with Maven

    Nov 28, 2018

    Sometimes it feels we’re reinventing the wheel, but with different names. Back in the days, XML was the cool thing. We had XPath as a query language. We had XSLT to transform XML documents into different shapes. We had XSD to validate the schema of XML. We had code generation and validation. We could generate web service clients and servers with WSDL.

  • API Style Guide

    Nov 17, 2018

    Using a microservice architecture allows development teams to work separately, delivering work faster and focusing on a specific part of the business domain. Working independently means that developers are free to make their own choices. While that’s great, there’s the risk of building the tower of Babel.

  • From Swagger to Confluence UML diagrams

    Nov 3, 2018

    TL;DR: During CI, I am generating a UML diagram out of the Swagger definition and I’m publishing it to Confluence.

  • Merging Swagger files

    Oct 28, 2018

    Consider the following scenario. You have a few microservices and they’re all developed independently: they don’t share code, they don’t share data and they don’t share schema. They’re all exposing their own REST API. To make things a bit simple, their API is defined in a swagger file.

  • Swagger and MapStruct

    Apr 29, 2018

    I’ve been working lately on a project with a few services (or microservices, if you like to play buzzword bingo). I wanted to share some thoughts on how using Swagger together with MapStruct can make things easier.

  • Using swagger code generator with maven

    Apr 21, 2018

    Following up the previous post about swagger, in this post I’m using the maven plugin version of swagger code generator.

  • Swagger Formats

    Apr 21, 2018

    Some handy format combinations with Swagger:

  • Building a REST API with Swagger and Spring Boot

    Apr 15, 2018

    In this post, I’ll be using Swagger to build a REST API with Java and Spring Boot. Swagger is an API framework. It uses a YAML-based language to define an API and it has a code generator that supports multiple languages.