Using a microservice architecture allows development teams to work separately, delivering work faster and focusing on a specific part of the business domain. Working independently means that developers are free to make their own choices. While that’s great, there’s the risk of building the tower of Babel.

Imagine this simple example: team A is developing an address book service, team B is working on an invoice service. The first team is using Java, the second is using .NET. They both follow the default options for their stack. When we put service A and B together, we’ll have an address book API which uses camelCase for the payload of the requests, while the invoice service uses PascalCase. Technically it works, but it looks unprofessional and it will be difficult to integrate with.

We need an API style guide to ensure that the API looks consistent. It’s the same as using a code style guide to ensure that the code looks as if it was written by one person.

In this post, I’m describing the conventions we currently use at work. This is all about a RESTful design, influenced a bit by the fact that we use Swagger and Java / Spring Boot. And just like code style guide, it’s all a bit subjective. It’s more important to follow a specific set of rules rather than arguing about tabs vs spaces, lowercase vs uppercase, etc.

URL Conventions

Path Conventions

The URL is the endpoint to a single resource (HTTP, RESTful) or operation (HTTP, RPC style).

Example of a URL that identifies uniquely a shipment:


Example of a URL that maps to an operation:


We favour RESTful design, but sometimes RPC is more natural.

In any case, the naming conventions for the URLs are:

  • no spaces or special characters
  • only lowercase
  • separate words with hyphens (e.g. address-book. Not addressbook or address_book).

Query String Parameters Conventions

  • no spaces or special characters
  • only lowercase
  • separate words with underscores (e.g. per_page . Not perpage, perPage, or per-page).

Payload Conventions

The body of the request is a JSON object. All properties need to use camelCase, which is the default for Java and JavaScript (.NET by default is using PascalCase).


  "firstName": "Tom",
  "lastName": "Jones"


Enums can appear in the body of a request, as well as in the query string as parameters. We use FULL_CAPS for enums, because it makes the generated Java code easier to understand.


Swagger Conventions

Operation IDs

All operation identifiers are camelCase e.g. createAddress.

This matches the convention for Java method names. This is reflected in the generated code but also in the documentation.


All definitions (model names) are PascalCase e.g. Shipment, PriceResult.

This matches the convention for Java class names and it is reflected in the generated code and documentation.


All elements need to have a description. The description will be published in the documentation so it needs to be helpful and in proper English.


All operations need to be assigned to a tag. Tags have an impact on the documentation but also on the generated client SDKs. If you don’t use a tag, they get grouped in the “Default” tag, which is most likely not what you want.


      operationId: getAddresses
        - AddressBook

The naming convention for tags is PascalCase.

(Optional) Example values

It is possible to define example values explicitly with the example property:

  type: string
  description: The first name of a person
  example: John

This can be useful in the documentation, but it is not required.

Hide the type of identifiers

Sometimes we use numeric identifiers (e.g. entities coming from PostgreSQL). Sometimes we use GUIDs. Sometimes identifiers are strings.

The caller of the API should not care about our identifiers. It should all be just a string. This has some benefits:

  • hides the details of our implementation
  • allows us to change the underlying storage to even a different ID type without changing the API security through obscurity


      type: string
  "id": "42"

REST Conventions

Response Codes

We use the appropriate status codes in the response.

  • 2xx indicates a success
  • 4xx indicates a client error
  • 5xx indicates a server error

More specifically:

  • 200 indicates a success
  • 201 (CREATED) indicates that a new entity was created. This should be used as the response to a POST operation which created a new entity.
  • 400 indicates a validation error
  • 401 indicates that the user is not properly authenticated (missing or bad authentication)
  • 403 indicates that the user is authenticated but is not authorized to access the resource or perform the requested action
  • 404 indicates that the requested resource is not found
  • 405 Method not allowed (e.g. GET instead of POST)
  • 406 Not acceptable (content type is not accepted)
  • 409 (CONFLICT) indicates that an entity already exists

See here for 401 vs 403.

Which response codes should be documented?

You should document only the response codes that add some value to the user of the API. We assume that the user of the API understands the difference between a client error (4xx) and a server error (5xx). It is not our intention to re-document the HTTP protocol.


200 - User added to role successfully.

Example of redundant documentation:

400 - Invalid request. This can be due to missing or invalid fields.


We use the same object for reporting errors in all services. It is modelled after Spring’s exception so that we have the same data model for exceptions coming from our code as well as exceptions coming from Spring itself (e.g. validation errors are handled by Spring).

The object is defined in the source code like this:

  type: "object"
  description: "An error thrown by the API"
      type: "string"
      description: "The date-time when the error occurred"
      type: "number"
      format: "int32"
      description: "The status code of the error"
      type: "string"
      description: "The type of the error"
      type: "string"
      description: "A message describing the error"
      type: "string"
      description: "The URL path where the error occurred"
      type: "array"
      description: "A collection of details about the errors"
        $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorDetail"
  type: "object"
  description: "Details about an error, usually specific to a field."
      type: "string"
      description: "A detailed error message"
      type: "string"
      description: "The name of the object that caused the error"
      type: "string"
      description: "A code for the specific error"

HTTP Verbs

We use the appropriate HTTP verb per operation.

Verb Typical Use Case
GET Get a resource
POST Create a new resource
PUT Update an existing resource
DELETE Delete an existing resource

Typically it is expected that calling a GET operation multiple times does not create side-effects.

CRUD Conventions

Several services define a set of CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on a resource. Let’s see an example for the address book:

Operation Id HTTP Verb HTTP Path HTTP Parameters Payload
getAddresses GET /addresses Searching, Sorting and Pagination -
createAddress POST /addresses - Address
updateAddress PUT /addresses - Address
getAddress GET /addresses/{addressId} - -
deleteAddress DELETE /addresses/{addressId} - -

Points of interest:

  • the HTTP path uses the plural form addresses and not the singular address
  • the operation IDs are prefixed with get, create, update and delete
  • the HTTP path for a single address is a sub-path under the main path e.g. /addresses/42

Searching, Sorting and Pagination

When getting a list of objects, we typically want to limit the number of results, apply some sorting, and filter for something specifically.


This refers to free text search on one or more fields.

Each operation needs to document which fields are being taken into account.

We use the q parameter for this type of search.


  • /addresses?q=Tom
  • /addresses?q=1017
  • /users?q=Leo


Our conventions are based on GitHub conventions.

  • the field to sort by is defined by the sort parameter. The valid values for this parameter depend on the object. The value should use camelCase, just like the field names being sorted. In the advanced case of nesting, use a dot to separate fields.
  • the sorting direction is defined by the direction parameter. As this is an enum, the value needs to be in FULL_CAPS. The valid values are ASC and DESC.


  • /addresses?sort=firstName
  • /addresses?sort=lastName&direction=DESC
  • /shipments?

The direction parameter should be optional and the default value should be documented per operation.


We follow GitHub’s API regarding pagination.

  • current page is defined by the page parameter
  • page numbering is one-based, not zero-based
  • omitting the page parameter will return the first page
  • the page size is defined by the per_page parameter
  • omitting the per_page parameter will return a sensible default per operation, which should be documented


  • /addresses (fetches the first 10 results according to the default sorting rules)
  • /addresses?page=2 (fetches the next 10 results)
  • /addresses?page=3&per_page=20 (fetches addresses 41-60)