Posts tagged with ci tooling

  • My Maven release workflow v2

    Dec 3, 2022

    An update on my Maven release workflow, in other words, how I release Maven libraries into the Maven central repository.

  • My Maven release workflow

    Feb 5, 2022

    In this post I’m describing my current setup regarding releasing a versioned library into Maven central repository.

  • YAML schema validation with Maven

    Nov 28, 2018

    Sometimes it feels we’re reinventing the wheel, but with different names. Back in the days, XML was the cool thing. We had XPath as a query language. We had XSLT to transform XML documents into different shapes. We had XSD to validate the schema of XML. We had code generation and validation. We could generate web service clients and servers with WSDL.

  • Merging Swagger files

    Oct 28, 2018

    Consider the following scenario. You have a few microservices and they’re all developed independently: they don’t share code, they don’t share data and they don’t share schema. They’re all exposing their own REST API. To make things a bit simple, their API is defined in a swagger file.

  • Terraform secrets

    Oct 6, 2018

    Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been using Terraform to manage infrastructure. I use it with both AWS and Azure and so far I haven’t encountered any problems. The documentation is quite good and you get that happy feeling when things just work as expected.